
Slovenia Trip

For those looking for an affordable kayak break away to a beautiful place, read the following section!


After a really successful trip to France 2 years ago, Wildflowerkayak is organising both ladies and mixed gender trips to Slovenia this year!


The place

Slovenia is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, and the Soca is a remarkable river for its pure clean water and its great variety in the sections. The lime-rich rock makes the water a lovely swimming pool colour that is clear all the way to the bottom. As the river meanders along, beautiful scenery unfolds after each bend. Because there are plenty of eddies, it is easy to stop just about everywhere to take pictures, eat a snack or just enjoy the view. There is generally not as much water pressure that you might find on Alpine rivers, which makes it an excellent playground for kayaking.



Level IV course (mixed gender)

The course aim is to build river running technique and ability to scout, read, protect and paddle grade III+ and V rapids. As there is such a great variety in gradation, the course can start easy on grade III and will build up difficulty over the 6 days. Static sites will be used to work on level IV syllabus strokes as well as ‘new style’ technique like boofing, flaring, key strokes and edge control for optimal stroke efficiency. As the week progresses, river reading, safety and rescue skills and ‘group organisation’ on the river will be part of the sessions.

This course will be excellent training for anyone looking to paddle confidently and prepared on class III+ rapids, as well as giving a more in depth preparation for those who want to do a level IV assessment. Part from that, it will be a great holiday in a beautiful place!


Women’s Trip

The Women’s trip is aimed at female kayakers that want to expand their grade II+ skills to feeling comfortable on grade III/III+. The great variety in gradation in the river ensures an easy start on grade II and will build up difficulty over the 6 days. There will be great emphasis on confidence building and getting to know your own comfort zone (and how to expand it in a safe and fun way). Reading lines down rapids, decision making and scouting strategies as well as some useful rescue techniques will also be part of the program.

The first morning will concentrate on equipment review, boat outfitting and ‘tasting the waters’ to get used to the difference in flow and width of the river. The rest of the day will be spent working on getting the fundamentals right. The week will then develop according to the group’s wishes and needs, covering things like getting comfortable rolling on moving water, using the most efficient technique to get into eddies, riding the ‘high water’ and reading the flow. Boofing, flaring and using compression for soft landings will become natural to you, as every rapid generally contains plenty of spots to practise any of those techniques in a controlled way.




Level IV week:      Sat 30th May- Sat 6th Jun

Ladies week:        Sat 20th Jun-Sat 27th Jun



Training course (6 days paddling)



River Pass


Not Included:

Shuttles and Flights (participants can choose to rent a car

by themselves or share car rental costs)




900 Euro



To ensure a place on the course, please send an e-mail to kimsiekerman@hotmail.com. First deposits of 400 euro need to be in before March 31st 2009.



  1. Hi Kim

    I met Dave Carroll recently and he mentioned i should do a trip with Kim – and I think this may be you. Is this trip still going ahead. I have my BCU 3 star river and sea and level 2 coach trainee but I had my confidence knocked last year and now i’m a bit of a wimp (actually more than a bit!!) so I really do need to find my confidence and try to build it up!!!


  2. Hi Caitriona,

    Thank you for your comment and sorry for the late reply. I’m still waiting to fill the course, but I will keep you updated on the progress!


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